Index of contents
Be going to - exercises
Will - future simple
Will or be going to
Future continuous
Future perfect - exercises
Future perfect continuous
Video -> will / be going to

Video -> will / be going to
Will - be going to
Exercises: future tenses
- Will or be going to? - exercise - 1
- Will or be going to? - exercise - 2
- Will or be going to? - exercise - 3
- Will or be going to?
- Will / be going to - exercises
- Future : will, going to, -ing form
- Future forms - exercises
- Future: will / going to
- Will vs be going to – future forms
- Will, going to or - ing future
- Future: Will / Be Going to
- Will / be going to - future
- Going to - write
- Will / going to / pres. continuous
- Future verb forms - quiz
- Future: will / going to
- Future with will / going to
- Future forms – will, be going to
- Future forms - exercises
going to exercises - will exercises -